There is nothing quite as important to growing organizations as promotional campaigns. Only by reaching out to a large amount of potential clients can companies reach their targets for long-term growth. Trade shows are ideal in this regard as they act as superb way for company representatives to interact with those in the field in the local region at trade show displays. But in order to ensure that local residents know about an event, companies must conduct pre-event marketing. Within this blog, we’ll offer two tips to improving event attendance.

1)      Use Social Media to Grab Attention

There are many unique online mediums to drive interest within a marketing campaign. Twitter and Facebook are the tops tools current market leaders utilize to build interest in their events. Whether it’s creating Facebook groups aligned with their marketing strategy or instructing followers on Twitter on the topics to be discussed at the event, using these tools to communicate directly with attendees will ensure a large boost in attendance numbers at trade show displays.

2)      Contact with Local Area Organizations

For those businesses looking to market in a new territory, joining forces with those in vertical industries in the local area could be a great way to gain regional momentum for the campaign. For example, a company selling photographic equipment could connect directly with a local area camera retailer to offer a cross promotion in the build-up to the event. These types of partnerships can also help companies drive lead-generation for future campaigns in that particular town.

Only those companies that participate in pre-event marketing will succeed with their event objectives.  Businesses that customize pre-event promotions to their own industries can experience tremendous growth during the post-event phase.