July 4, 2013
It’s the height of the summer marketing season and seasonal promotions are now in full-swing. With companies facing the continual need to adapt their tradeshow materials to meet the evolving demands of their industry, they must invest in high value architecture. Within this post, we’ll examine two methods companies can use to reduce their expenditure while still achieving high quality within the purchase of trade show booths.
1) Work Trade Show Designers to Promote their Work
Trade shows act as the ideal opportunity for companies to enter into partnerships with those in their industry. One under-utilized method of partnership is between designers and trade show attendees. Companies can work with well-respected designers in their area to promote their work during trade show events, in an effort to reduce the costs of their company’s own promotional campaign designs. The potential for this style of business partnership is endless. It could be a fruitful mechanism for networking across events in future.
2) Set a Strict Budget
One area in which many companies fail on their trade show to-do list is setting a firm budget for their trade show booths. It can be easy to over-step budgeting boundaries when elements such as cost of attending events, cost of architecture and cost of hiring special set-up and removal professionals aren’t considered. Ensure that a firm budget is set, and includes all the potential costs of the event in order to remain on track with a cost-conscious promotional campaign.
Growing companies don’t have to forfeit elements of their marketing campaigns to lower cost. A little creativity can ensure a balanced budget and a successful promotional event for the organization.