March 17th, 2015

A company’s trade show booth tells the event attendee a great deal about the organization. It can tell them how much preparation the company has completed for the event. It can tell them how strong the brand is compared with event competitors and it can offer an indication of the brand’s future in the marketplace. And so without using quality designs in their trade show booth, Ontario companies can lose value and lose the interest of event attendees. In this blog, we’ll outline several techniques used by high value companies to captivate trade show event attendees.

10 Protect Your Boundaries 10 x 20 Custom Wall with Trussing Backl...Focus on Individuality

The most important consideration is individuality. It’s incredibly important that a company’s booth designs highlight their unique value as a brand. Any similarities between the company’s display design and the designs of another organization can reduce design impact and limit long-term appeal. Companies should focus on the elements that make their brand unique, and then utilize these elements in introducing audiences across Ontario to their booth designs.

Consistency in Messaging

While it’s important to stand out from competitors, companies must ensure that their in-house brand messaging is consistent, from the trade show floor to the store window. It’s important not to confuse brand audiences with conflicting information and so organizations can review previous campaign messaging to connect with their core audiences in new campaigns.

Consider Furniture Areas

The display area should be a welcoming place for event attendees to gather and enjoy the social professional atmosphere. This means it’s important to choose high quality furniture for the booth design. Add comfortable chairs and a professional table setting to welcome attendees to speak with your reps at the event. This sets the foundation to a successful lead generation process.

Through careful consideration of design elements, companies can achieve maximum return from their trade show investments. To discuss your future trade show design requirements with a specialist, contact our offices directly today!