The year is winding down, and it’s time to start looking ahead to 2020.  If you’re planning on attending a few trade shows in the New Years, it’s also the right time to be thinking about your booth plans and designs!  Everyone wants to have amazing trade show displays, but they don’t happen overnight.  They need planning and commitment.

So, if you want to see greater success from your trade show outreach in the year to come, here are a few New Year’s resolutions we suggest you keep.

Want Amazing Trade Show Booths In 2020?  Keep These Resolutions

1. We will attend a new show.

New trade shows pop up all the time – and often focused on niche markets.  They aren’t necessarily for everyone, but there could be one that’s perfect for your market.  Or, go to a show that’s only tangential to your business, specifically for the sake of putting your brand in front of all new visitors.

Either way, if you’ve been going to the same shows year after year, try something new.

2. We will increase our focus on social media.

Social media is amazing at increasing the response and returns on your trade show investment.  It can be integrated into every part of the trade show experience:

It’s a great way to vastly expand the reach of your show presentation, with very little extra expenditure.

3. We will look overseas.

Speaking of expanding your reach, have you considered attending an international show this year?  More and more businesses are going global, and it’s becoming easier than ever to handle the logistics of overseas operations.

This isn’t a cheap proposition, but if it’s within your budget, you could make yourself known to entire new continents full of customers.

4. We will invest in technology.

Trade shows are becoming increasingly tech-focused – and that’s a good thing!  Modern technology offers so many new ways to engage people visiting your booth.  Just as a few examples:

You can add a lot of showmanship and engagement with a few tech purchases.  Plus, they’re easily repurposed after the show!

5. We will revamp our old display.

When was the last time you put a new display together?  If it’s been more than a couple of years, chances are the booth is starting to look a bit out of date.  It might be starting to fall into disrepair as well.  2020 is a perfect opportunity to revamp the look of your display – and impress people in the process!

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Let Our Team at Best Displays & Graphics Help

Need help?  Best Displays & Graphics offers full turnkey start-to-finish trade show solutions.  Contact us for a free quote!