Trade Show Booth Design Ideas for Small BusinessesJanuary 31, 2017 – As a small business owner, you’ve likely found it difficult compete with counterparts that have more resources available. Within the event marketing space, the gap between the large and the small business can be narrowed by creativity. To help guide you in improving your results with upcoming events, this post focuses on five trade show booth design ideas for small businesses.

  1. Make a Large Screen your Centerpiece

Event attendees will be drawn to electronic screens. They want to know what’s playing and what the content involves. Use a large display screen to capture the attention and to host informative content on your highest-selling products.

  1. Call Attention to Competitive Advantages

Within highly competitive marketplaces, any edge you can give your business is ideal for ensuring success. Use stats carefully in your trade show booth design to showcase brand value over your competitors.

  1. Integrate QR Codes within the Display

Your display should include QR codes that present smartphone users with more information on the company when they visit the linked content. Make the QR code content entertaining and give the attendee a reason to use it.

  1. Trade Show Booth Design Ideas for Small BusinessesLink the Design to a Social Media Presence

As part of your event, you should try to live stream a portion of the proceedings to give attendees and insight into your online audience. Form a connection with small screens and provide your company’s Twitter handle to event-goers for cross promotional opportunities.

  1. Add Local Elements to Designs

If you’re promoting your company as part of a one-off event, a local element can bring engagement as part of your display design. Consider for example using a sign that welcomes visitors from the specific local region. This can help boost the company’s popularity within the region while driving at-event interest.

The team at Best Displays & Graphics continues to set the standards for promotional design. To learn further design tips, call our experts today at 905-940-2378.